Picture Book Picks - Something Beginning with Blue

Something Beginning with Blue
written by Sally Symes
illustrated by Nick Sharratt

I picked up this book for the first time yesterday. It's a Nick Sharratt, so I knew it would be good. It's a spin on the travelling game eye spy, except instead of a letter, it is a colour. For instance "I spy with my little eye something beginning with green".

You can see the next colour through a pair of cut out eyes and there is a little description to give you a clue before you turn the page. As usual with a Nick Sharratt book, the illustrations are very bold and colourful. The story was greatly enjoyed by the nursery children I was reading to. This is going to be a firm favourite at storytime.

Here are a few other Nick Sharratt titles that I love:

Shark in the Park is one of my all time favourites. It is about a boy, Timothy Pope who is in the park with his telescope (see, already you can see the rhyme!) and is sure he keeps seeing a shark, but the shark turns out to be something quite different each time. Fabulous! Especially if you and the children make a telescope with your hand and look all around while you are reading the story.

I love this one too! The Foggy Foggy Forest. Peer through the fog, courtesy of some opague paper and try to identify the fairytale creatures.

Accidentally on Purpose is a split book featuring that little scamp Daisy. In this picture book, you have the choice of making Daisy do something good or something naughty, much to the delight of any children reading this book. This one is written by Kes Gray and illustrated by Nick. To find out more about Daisy and her antics you can visit the website - Daisy Club.

I could go on and on recommending books Nick Sharratt has written or illustrated, but I will stop here and let you explore for more yourself.

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